In 1995 when Young Miz was in the 5th grade(at 10 yrs. Old) he started turning the poetry that was ventilation, into music. That's when it started to become more serious, instead of being just personal. Originally being named Mr. Smalls, he started to do music to impress the females in his school. "I was already doing the music thing for myself, so it was time to take it to more of an entertainment level." Writing and teaching some of his closer friends how to turn feelings into lyrics and songs, helped him gain respect and popularity around the school. Already at this level he was making music on an older more adult level as far as the vocabulary and content on subject matter. " I feel like I was born with this great gift to reach out to my peers, affect, and influence or inspire them. I mean I'm just a real people's person." Taking this craft to the next level was no real challenge considering he had really love what he did.
In Junior High School people would ask him to perform for music classes and enter talent shows. "At this point, a lot of what I was doing was more personal to me. I was going through a turning point and a really tough time in my life. This was the point where you know, to be in, you had to pretty much be like everyone else. I mean, I was short, so some people would try to clown, plus, my gear game was lightweight suspect. I mean, don't get me wrong! I had a few things, but, it wasn't no Tommy Hilfiger or no Jordan shit! That's what I got caught up in and that was really showing in my music." Finances seemed to be the hang up, so that's what was driving the music for him at the time. He had a lot of athletes and drug dealers as friends, so he really wanted the street fame and the popularity that they were getting. "Everybody used to wanted me to draw shit, cause I'm like the most artistic person you'll ever meet. I was artistic all around the board." The girls was really feeling during these years, and his street friends were teaching him how to hold his own on these streets. "I been around these niggas since I was 6! So, I picked up on a lot of their ethics, and hustle game, and I wanted to really in the IN CROWD. I had that look and the girls loved me, I loved all of that attention so I started to save my lunch money and finding little shit to hustle what would get me what my parents wouldn't buy or couldn't budget." He changed his name from Mr. Smalls to Misery because, during junior high, he saw a lot of personal things that made him unhappy with life in general. "A lot of people thought I just wanted a cool name, but I was like, naw dude! This is how I really feel!" Some people didn't understand how he be so popular and involved and still have all of this built up pain. "I saw a lot of things in the streets, with home problems, grades started slipping, and girl problems really started getting to me." After Junior High, Miz transferred to a different school district. This was a time to totally recreate a new identity. "Nobody knew me out there in Bedford, so I can start fresh and make something new for myself." He went to this new area and everybody loved him. He was a new face, he had a new style, and a cute face to the girls. "I mean, I was like one of the best dressed little dudes in my class, so that pretty much gained me a lot of the popularity, plus I was pretty athletic so all the hoop stars would mess with me." All the people would ask where he was from, that's when all of the streets was really coming out of him. "I'm from the First! I'm a Melzer dude, First Block Boy! My whole little clique was real major in the hood. I went to school in Bedford where things were more suburban. They really liked the fact that I was a street type of nigga. I mean it was guys out there who was trying to act street but, them niggas lived out there all their lives! I mean, it's nothing wrong with that, but just do what you know, you feel me?" He started hanging out late with his, going to parties and getting into fights, and acting crazy just for no real reason. "I would be at parties and my niggas would be like spit for these niggas! They think they can rip. So I started spitting at parties and the girls was flocking, so niggas was getting mad at us, cause was taking all the chicks. We got into a lot of shit from different little sets of dudes, hating on our little set of niggas, but that didn't stop us. We ended up banging with a lot of different cats until niggas just started to respect us. Miz wasn't really doing music publicly when he went to the new school because people didn't know he was into music. "That's when I met my nigga Dre. Me and Dreez met through one of my other niggas and we just used to hoop and play video games at first. I started hanging with him major and we became like brothers.
The music thing was like something that came out when I ended staying over that dude house and we was up late eating pizza and playing video games." Andre ended up moving and meeting someone that was into recording music. When Dre started recording Miz followed and soon started working on the recording aspect. "We started a rapid progression in our music together so we had group and started to do it like, for real serious." After recording all around town for a while Miz started to get real serious with his projects and wanted to record for a career so he recorded a lot with DCYO. "DC that's like my other main nigga besides Dre. Dude showed me a lot about recording and really helped me elevate my craft to that next level where it definitely needed to be if I was gonna do this and expect to get paid for it. DC had me and Dreez in talent showcases and all that so, I was really starting to except this as like destiny. Like doing music and reaching people was my calling." Since Miz started recording with DC he has worked on one group project and two different solo projects. "I think I really needed a lot of development so I never attempted to put out any of my material. But now that I understand every aspect of the game from the business, to performing, to recording, to your image, etc. I know that I'm ready!" "Me, Dreez and Xp got the Street Royalty Squad movement in effect right now so we're really about to take over the music industry. I mean, I got Easy Street Volume 1 on the way and Dreez is wrapping up the Takeover and this is just the beginning of us exposing the movement publicly.
I'm also working on two other mixtape projects at the same time while trying to continue my debut album." Miz is now really focused on helping create a whole new outlook on music with the rest of the SRS and making sure that he and his crew get THE RESPECT THAT'S DUE.
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